Beauty queen


Dolphin Submarine


Chevrolet Crash Chicago


He may be two-faced, but this little kitten is still purr-fect

Cats are known for having nine lives, but a feline born with two faces is practically unheard of.So you can imagine the shock on Renee Cook's face when her three-year-old cat Amber produced this cute little critter - who was born with two faces.Miss Cook, of Amarillo in Texas, said she arrived home from work to find her three-year-old Persian and Calico mix had delivered a litter and was shocked when she discovered the two-faced kitten.The special needs children's nurse said: "I picked it up and said, 'Oh my goodness, two faces'," she told the Amarillo Globe-News."I thought it was dead at first...

Spooky shrunken heads buried in the garden? No, they’re just seed pods, says expert

No-one wants to make a grizzly discovery at the bottom of their garden, especially when it comes in the shape of four tiny shrunken heads.Luckily for Nasreem Khan these miniature skulls were harmless seed pods rather than human remains.Miss Khan had been making the most of the unseasonal sunshine by doing a spot of gardening when she dug up the skull-like objects attached to a stalk.Not only did they bear and startling resemblance to human heads, they came complete with tiny teeth.She was so terrified by the unusual discovery that she ran straight to a neighbour's house."I was just doing a bit...

Keyboard Car


Fake for Real: Dressed for Faith

Both men pictured have a strong fan base of believers and skeptics. Saint Nicholas, patron saint of children, visits various countries at the end of each year for a gift-giving tour. The Dutch Sinterklaas is the basis for the North American figure of Santa Claus, whose name is derived from the older Dutch Sinte Klaas. The Dutch colonial town of New Amsterdam maintained a Sinterklaas tradition long after the English occupied it and renamed it New York. This child-loving man is believed to live in Myra, in present day Turkey. The other man, Pope Benedict XVI, is known to live in Rome, Italy. He...

Germans to blast fish into space

Today, in a display of the poor prioritization of science projects in Germany, German scientists will launch 60 fish in to space, presumably to figure out how to make fish sticks taste better.Actually, the poor fishies will experience six minutes of weightlessness in order to see how they handle motion sickness. Apparently, they get motion sick just like people, and it's easier to study the effects on them than it is on people as you can, you know, kill the fish and fiddle around with their insides when you're done with them. After which you can sauté them up and serve them with fresh country...

Matchstick House


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