Older Work


Shark Costume


Tick burrowing into skin


fun with skull


A cat with two faces


Gold Plate Truck


Hyena's tongue

(actually, it's a xoloitzcuintle d...

Top 10 Photos of the Week

This anti-aging cream ad set new sales records whenever it ranTechnically it complied with zoning laws, but the invention of the“Carden” insulted people’s intelligence on so many other levelsandid Camera was no where in sight, which made this requestfor urine samples so incredibly alarmingBathroom times were particularly quietThe ritual was pointless, until they discovered fireWorkouts in Fairbanks were ever so lonely, especially for the swim teamAt first her friends thought it was kinda cute until they foundCommissioner Gordon making surprise visits in the middle of the nightSome kids just really,...

Stink Eye Fashionwear - Top 10 List

Why do people do it? Why do they commit hara kiri on the streets with their incredibly bad fashion, begging for the stink-eye from all onlookers? We can only guess what disease must be infecting their brains, but clearly the fashion police have not been doing their job. Complete Top 10 List after the jump.Gag me with a crow bar! This can’t be happening!Quick, call the liposuction hotline! This is a travesty!Gag me with a crow bar! This can’t be happening!Might as well wear a whale around her neck.At least then we wouldn’t have to look at the rest of her!People can’t be this stupid!Â...

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