Creative and Unusual Refrigerator Magnets

Collection of unusual and creative magnets that will look great on any fridge.Candy Box MagnetsGUI MagnetsTreebuttons MagnetsTetris MagnetsMagnetic ShelvesBacon MagnetsSpace Invaders MagnetsRock MagnetsLEGO MagnetsWood MagnetsRocker Switch Fridge MagnetsThrowing Star Magn...

Stupid Girl Playing With Her Life !

Russian teens have now found a new fun. They dare trains.This is needed to be done fast, because if one is appearing before the train too long before and machinist could see him and start breaking, so they run on the rails just before the train so he couldn’t start breaking and fell down on the rails, then the train moves above the person at his maximum speed, just a few inches from his head and back.Russian teen girls seem to go for this too. This is really a desperate activity taken by this damn teen with her life .... But Is it a Real Or A Fake ?? !! whatever am speechless !! check out some...

TOP 10 Spider-Men That Should Replace Tobey McGuire

1. Body Paint Spider-ManTHIS! This is what it’s come down to. Spider-Man 3 was so goddamn bad that I would rather sit through 2 hours of this guy swinging more than just web around New York City than see Tobey reprise his role as Peter Parker.2. Weird Foreign Spider-ManOther countries always have a unique take on American pop-culture. I’m willing to see where it goes.3. Old, Drunk and Fat Spider-ManIt’s hard enough for the regular Joe to feel any kind of connection with the wall crawler, what with his six-pack abs and awesome super powers. I think it’s time we flip the script and give us someone...

Extremely Long Hair

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of ...

Awesome Dumpster Art


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