World Most Dangerous Rope Bridges

World's Most Dangerous Rope Hanging Bridges Here are some of the world’s most dangerous bridges that are meant only for walking. These are the so-called rope hanging bridges. You can find a wide variety of these bridges in countries like India, Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand, Pakistan, Nepal, as well as in the interiors of some other countries.A bridge can prove to be dangerous for a variety of reasons; either because it’s very old, narrow, too high up above the land, over a quick river or if the wooden “floor” goes missing. What makes them dangerous is the fact that in spite of the condition...

Awesome Geeky Tattoos

A love/hate relationship with HTMLA Klingon in disguise? Tastes like saltUSB-compatibleIt’s dangerous to go alone! Take thisTurn me onFor when you need to grow upThe tattoo that must not be namedDrawn in ink am...

Real Life HTML Error Codes


A very strong Child


Crazy People Who Clothe Themselves In Bees For Hoots!

If beekeeping is the serious and work-intensive part of having anything to do with bees, then bee bearding is the fun part of it. If, that is, your idea of fun is having tens or even hundreds of thousands of bees crawling all over you while suppressing the urge to run away. Read on for more pictures and to see what motivates people to bee this adventurous.Though bee bearding is by no means a recent activity, it has rarely made it to a dictionary entry. Wikipedia defines bee bearding as “the practice of wearing several hundred thousand honey bees on one’s face, usually as a sideshow-type activity.”A...

Concrete Art pieces that look like of real stone fossils

Christopher Locke uses a proprietary blend of concrete to create remarkable art pieces that have the look and feel of real stone fossi...

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