10 Strange and Weirdest Toilet Papers

1 Horror Story Toilet PaperDo you read in the bathroom? Well, you might appreciate this new literary experience—a horror story in the form of toilet paper! Each roll is printed with several copies of "Drop", a nine-chapter novella written by Koji Suzuki, author of the "Ring" cycle of novels, which has been made into films in both Japan and Hollywood।2 Origami Toilet PaperNext time you forget that magazine or book, it will not be a problem। With this Origami Potty Paper you can spend hours learning new and interesting Origami techniques all from your roll of toilet paper. Want to know the best...

Awesome and Beautiful Paper Origami Art

Origami is the art of paper folding. This post showcases beautiful and creative origami creations.Grulla OrigamiJUCUMARI OrigamiScorpion OrigamiOnion OrigamiKlingon Bird of Prey OrigamiInflatable Piggy OrigamiKoi Pond OrigamiIron Man OrigamiCrayfish OrigamiSpaceships OrigamiUnicorn OrigamiPraying Mantis OrigamiV for Vendetta Mask Orig...

10 Most Awesome and Beautiful Anti-Smoking Campaigns

Tailpipe smoke is gross… and the same goes for the carcinogen-loaded clouds that erupt from the mouth of a cigarette smoker. An anti-smoking group equated the two by placing posters of people's faces with the cut-out mouths strategically placed at the end of tailpipes.Trashcans on the streets warn smokers of dangers to their eye sight. Very creative and shocking, isn't itThis is a very creative and inventive advertising to urge people to stop smoking. Placed in gyms.Stop trafic signs in Brazil with cigarette shape.This ad is from an anti-smoking promotion for ‘World No Tobacco Day' (May 31), and...

Awesome Fashion Month's Craziest Hairstyles


18 Wonderful Ways to Hang your Hat or Coat


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