Crazy Pics Taken At The Right Time

Tags: Crazy, Funny, Interesting, humor, Incredible, Amazing, awesome, Beautiful, strange, Weird, Weird People, U...

Crazy and Funny Celebrity transformed into muscled beefcakes

We all know celebrities can be obsessive about their weight.One minute they’ve slimmed down, the next they’ve piled on the pounds, perhaps to play a new film role.But these digitally altered photos take the weight game to the extreme – by transforming the stars into bodybuilders.Keira Knightley is often criticised for being too thin – but she’s beefed-up hereAngelina Jolie complete with bursting biceps bigger than husband Brad Pitt’sThe images are created by superimposing the celebrities’ heads on to photographic images of bodybuilders.And the results will certainly make you take a second take...

Crazy and Creative Heineken Beer Ads

The most creative and unusual advertising campaigns for Heineken beer.Heineken Christmas TreeHeineken Beer BillboardHeineken Rugby ShirtAnti Drinking and Driving Heineken AdHeineken Pizza BoxesHeineken Snow AdHeineken ManhattanHeineken Beer ColumnHeineken ColosseumHeineken: Made to EntertainTags: Christmas Tree, Beer Billboard, Rugby Shirt, Anti Drinking, Driving Heineken Ad, Pizza Boxes, Snow Ad, Manhattan, Beer Column, Colosseum, Entert...

Awesome and Beautiful Christmas Tattoos

Tim McGrathDave TedderKris DilworthTim OrthTim OrthNikko HurtadoJosh WoodsJarred @Mr. Natural'sStelios - Eternal TattoosJason GoneLenny RenkinTim OrthChris VennekampDave TedderLenny RenkenSean HermanJosh WoodsTags: christmas tattoos, tattoos, Amazing, awesome, Beautiful, Interesting, Cool, Wonderful, Tatt...

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