Strange Man with half a body defies the odds by 'fathering a child'

Despite only having half a body, Kenny Easterday insists he can live the life of a normal man.Now he appears to have proved it after claiming he has fathered a child.Easterday, 35, was born with a rare condition called sacral agenesis, which prevented his spine from developing normally.When he was just six months old, doctors amputated Kenny's legs and used part of his shinbone to complete his partially-formed spine.Kenny is so small he can fit inside a suitcase but that hasn't stopped him playing pool, bowling, working - or having a love life with fianceé Nicky, 33.In an American television documentary,...

Awesome and Crazy Ear Tattoos

There are a variety of tattoo designs available for any part of the body. Some people may prefer to have their ears tattooed. However, there are many pros and cons of having your ears tattooed.Ears are small and can be easily tattooed. Sometimes you could even hide the tattoo if your hairs are long. A tattoo on the ear gives you a stylish and funky look. It doesn’t take too long to tattoo on an ear as compared to other parts of the body. Therefore, ears can be tattooed in little or no time.Some people may prefer to have a message tattooed under the ear. You could also have your favorite design...

15 Crazy Photos You Won't Believe Are Not Photoshopped


20 Crazy Examples of Confused Animals


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