The world's most Craziest tattooed woman flaunts her body art

What began as a bid to cover up a nasty skin condition has resulted into a Guiness World Record for an American who has been named the most tattooed woman in the world.Julia Gnuse - nicknamed the 'illustrated lady' - has 95 per cent of her body covered in ink, ranging from jungle scenes and cartoons to her favourite actors.Miss Gnuse, from California, started getting tattoos on her legs after developing a skin condition called porphyria, which causes the skin to blister when exposed to sunlight.She then turned her attention to her stomach, arms and back and before long was addicted to body art....

Strange Festivals and Crazy Celebrations

Almost as good as "The Festival of the Freshwater Squid" (see here)As one travels the globe and observes the variety of fairs, festivals, and frivolities, it becomes clear that: 1) the concepts of "weird, strange, bizarre" are really in the eyes of the beholder - and 2) that all humans, no matter where we live, are more than just a bit bonkers.Making a big deal out of "throwing things"Although human behavior doesn't vary much, the methods of public celebrations certainly do.For some baffling reason, for instance, people like to throw things. And depending on the country, what they throw is likely...

Most Crazy Computer Addict Pictures


Crazy and Funny Bananas Art

I almost couldn't stop laughing when I saw these pictures on maari's blog . Each of the bananas has not only a funny look, but also a funny name like the i-Pod Banano, Alienana, Frankenana, Banana Lovers, Banana Suici...

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