10 Most Wonderful Gadgets From Future

Technology changes day by day and everyday brings something new in the market. I was searching on the internet and found some amazing gadgets. I have compiled a list of these amazing gadgets. Many of these won’t be in the market today but may be later they will be actually adored by thousands of customers. So here is the list of amazing gadgets: 1 – Rubber Mobile This mobile have simple shape, it’s a brick but it’s so thin like a candy bar. Its body is totally rubberized in a bright color. Keypad is slightly angled and haves 4 mega pixel camera. It has stereo speakers also, so that you can...

35 Most Craziest Optical Illusions That Trigger Your Brain

Can you see different things in one photo? If you can then you most probably have a good eye for details and that you are concentrated. If you have doubts about these photos you can leave a comme...

12 Most Wonderful Sofas

1 Pixel Sofa The fabric for the Pixel Sofa has been picked up by Danish manufacturer Kvadrat, based off of a concept by Cristian Zuzunaga, a Royal College of Art graduate. The contemporary couch is sure to grab everyone's attention by virtue of its wide spectrum of colors.2 Swimming Pool SofaThis intriguing concept sofa design was made for an advertisement campaign of Piscine Castiglione, a swimming pool design firm.3 Bocca SofaThe iconic 1970 lip-shaped sofa is based on Salvador Dali's famous Mae West sofa of 1936. The erotic lips of this great Hollywood actress inspired Dalí. A special installation...

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