10 Most Strange and Crazy Beards

Pac-man beard.Braided beardHalo beardKnitted beard.All the way to the chest beard.Icy bea...

Craziest Eyebrow Fails Ever

Eyebrows are one of those small details you don’t usually notice at a person, except when it’s gone or has a totally different shape that it should. It’s interesting to note that a lot of these photos appear to be mugshots. Apparently committing crime and eyebrow-murder go hand in hand. So here are the worst female eyebrows you could come acro...

Crazy Fashion Looks Ever

Fashion has always been a bit strange and unusual. Artists and fashion creators were always trying to find the strangest and most original expression and new ways to shock the public. Have a look at this great collection of the weirdest fashion creations. Some of them are not so successf...

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