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Man Spends One Year Without Internet... And Lives!  “I sure wish I could Like something right now.....

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10 Cool and Crazy Fish Tanks

World's Smallest Fish Tank This is the world's smallest working aquarium - which holds just two tea spoons of water. The miniature wonder, which is made of glass and measures just 30mm wide by 24mm high and 14mm deep, can be held in the palm of your hand. And it is so small there is only room for these tiny zebra fish. The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russi...

Craziest Attack and seriously hurt by furious monkey

An irate monkey attacked a small boy during a trip to a zoo while the child's father and a zookeeper fought to prise them apart. The boy - named locally as Raghav - was seriously hurt at an animal centre in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, India. Pictures taken by a bystander show the child pinned to the floor by the primate with blood on his hands and fac...

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