The Crazy Funny Photos Of A father With Her Baby Daughter


12 Most Craziest Hair Tattoos


Craziest Indonesians celebrating independence day climb towering trees laden with gifts

Spurred on by the promise of prizes, hundreds of Indonesians pit their wits against the perils of these oil and clay plastered ten-metre high trunks. The game often causes a stampede with children, teenagers and adults all desperate to get their hands on the rewards, including cookers, televisions and bicycles, perched on the top. ...

10 Craziest Yellow School Buses Ever

 School buses play an important and often unsung role in education. Let’s face it: all the time teachers spend preparing their lessons would come to nothing without any students to teach in the first place. What’s more, according to the American School Bus Council, kids are “about 50 times more likely to arrive at school alive if they take the bus than if they drive themselves or ride with friends.” The same article also states that students are “about 20 times more likely to arrive to school alive if they take the bus than if a parent drives them.” Although school buses have now been...

The Wonderful tattoos with hidden significance of mafia signs

 In this June 27, 2013, file photo, former New England Patriots NFL football tight end Aaron Hernandez stands during a bail hearing in Fall River Superior Court in Fall River, Massachusetts. He has been charged with first-degree murd...

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