8 Craziest Ancient Drawings of Modern Heroes

Cool posters inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphics feature superheroes and fictional characters from modern comic books, movies, and TV shows. The Avengers Power Rangers X-Men Kick Ass Star Trek Spider-Man Ninja Turtles ...

The 30 Most Amazing High School Campuses In The World

30. Ramón C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts – Los Angeles, California 29. North Liverpool Academy – Liverpool, England 28. Innovative Pilot High School – Poitiers, France 27. Phoenix Union Bioscience High School – Phoenix, Arizona 26. Strawberry Crest High School – Dover, Florida 25. Diamond Ranch High School – Los Angeles, California 24. Evelyn Grace Academy – London, England 23. Rafael Arozarena High School – Tenerife, Spain 22. Alsop High School – Liverpool, England 21. Ánimo Leadership Charter High School – Los Angeles, California 19....

10 Craziest and Fattest Top Flight Sportsmen Ever

When you think about top male athletes, the first image that likely springs to mind is that of a super-fit sportsman like Rafael Nadal or Kobe Bryant. Top athletes’ fitness routines are published in magazines alongside editorial spreads showing off their sculptured and toned bodies. That said, in the end, the way an athlete performs on the field or court is far more important to their legacy as a first-rate sports star than how they look or what they eat. In some cases, exceptional athletes have gone on to excel in certain sports despite their hulking physical sizes and struggles to keep...

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