Class War: Burned Corvette

Some people say they can’t stand “those rich punks riding their hundred thousand dollar cars when around everything looks ruined and school teacher’s salary is $100/month”. So they act sometimes. This time in Ukraine. USA cars really can cost twice or even triple price if compaired to their price in States. That’s because of huge European car taxes + shipping costs and stu...

19 (Really) Enchanting Examples Of Black And White Photography

Photography is an art cherished by many. It’s a form of expression that can say a lot more than words can [a picture is worth a thousand words...]. Even more so, different techniques of photography can give an image that touch of timelessness that it deserves…Anyway, this list is on black and white photography. Just two colours can express feelings and emotions that immediately grab you. Enjoy this list of enchanting examples of black and white photography!1. Old LadySimply enchanting, isn’t it?2. Fading in the smoke…Lost in the smoke…3. Stairway to HeavenIs this the stairway to heaven?4. Carefree….The...

Crazy Wiring


The elephant escape from the train...

Germany, 1950. The attempt to carry the elephant in the cableway train has finished with weevil escap...

Woman Gives Birth to 6 Babies


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